Since there is Streamyx promotion tab and other stuff on our club notice board... We decided to do sumting about it... Refurnish! XD SWATwolf bought black paper~ To make it officially to make our club space as people tend to put advertisement on our club notice board.... So everyone get busy!
Haha! I'm laughing about tranformers... Wanna piece of me?! XD
Wow! Adrian is actually taking break from his manga reading and actually doing work
And there he is again! Amazing! Haha!
In the end we all do work, haha! Putting double sided tape on the black paper....
Wow! Looks great!
The Finishing for now that is~
Wow! Adrian is actually taking break from his manga reading and actually doing work
And there he is again! Amazing! Haha!
In the end we all do work, haha! Putting double sided tape on the black paper....
Wow! Looks great!
The Finishing for now that is~